On Sat, Nov 16, 2013 at 12:03 PM, Tanstaafl <tansta...@libertytrek.org>wrote:

> No...
> I know all about running a local MTA.
> My real question is, why can portage do this (send emails without a local
> MTA installed)?
> Why did the gentoo devs decide to build an smtp client into it capable of
> doing TLS, instead of simply requiring an MTA to be able to email emerge
> logs?
They didn't. The smtp client is part of Python, not part of portage. If
you're developing in Python, you just call Python's mail API and let Python
take care of the mail, instead of calling the local MTA. Easier and faster

Cron is written in C where you don't get mail functionality for free so
it's easier to use the local MTA.

Manuel A. McLure WW1FA <man...@mclure.org> <http://www.mclure.org>
...for in Ulthar, according to an ancient and significant law,
no man may kill a cat.                       -- H.P. Lovecraft

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