20.12.2013 15:19, Neil Bothwick пишет:
On Fri, 20 Dec 2013 14:41:39 +0400, Yuri K. Shatroff wrote:
I have copied the system to a new HDD recently and done an `emerge
@world`, too, and everything went OK.
OK as in everything you expected to build built? Or OK as in no error
messages appeared?
The former. When I do an eix-sync, I expect that emerge -Du @world
updates every package listed with the U-mark.
There are no error messages anyway.
That shows nothing, except that the packages it did update had no errors.
You haven't said whether it emerged everything it should have, which it
probably did not.
> Your first step would be to restore the world file
from the old drive, adding the entries from the current version.
I'll do this, but now I'm just wondering how I ended up with an empty
world file.
Did you copy the original over in the first place? Did you try adding
something to it and used > instead of >> (you shouldn't do either, use
emerge -n, but people do).
No, I never had to touch the world file directly (until today), feeling
that emerge {-n|-1} is enough. I've even forgotten that it exists :)
Yuri K. Shatroff