Hi all,

Ok, I'm setting up a new server, and I'd like to rethink my iptables rules.

I'd like to start with something fairly simple:

1. Allow connections from anywhere ONLY to certain ports

ie, for encrypted IMAP/SMTP connections from users

2. Allow connections from only certain IP addresses to certain ports

ie, for limiting SSH access

3. DROP ALL other connection attempts

ie, I don't want to see these disallowed attempts in the logs

In order to keep my rules more manageable, I have a commented text file that I manually edit whenever modifying my rules, then I do an 'iptables-restore < /path/to/iptables-rules' to update them.

My first question is about a trick I learned some time ago (but don't remember where)...

For the ports for which I want to allow only restricted access, I have something like:

# bgn exceptions blocks
:f_22_I - [0:0]
:f_25_I - [0:0]
:f_22_O - [0:0]
:f_25_O - [0:0]

Am I correct that the above are what are called 'chains' in iptables speak?

### allow connections only from the following IP's
## SSH
# my local admin hosts
-A f_22_I -s ###.###.###.### -j ACCEPT
-A f_22_I -s ###.###.###.### -j ACCEPT
-A f_22_I -s ###.###.###.### -j ACCEPT
-A f_22_I -s ###.###.###.### -j ACCEPT
-A f_22_I -s ###.###.###.### -j ACCEPT
# external hosts
-A f_22_I -s ###.###.###.### -j ACCEPT
-A f_22_I -s ###.###.###.### -j ACCEPT

And am I also correct that the above adds each rule to the named chain in order, and that the order is significant?

So, if I wanted to add a last rule to that chain that DROPs all other connection attempts, it would be just:

-A f_22_I -j DROP


Then... assuming that I have all of the specific rules after these set up to allow just the traffic I want, and I wanted to add a final rule that just silently DROPped all other inbound connection attempts, it would be:




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