On 12/31/2013 08:18 AM, Alan McKinnon wrote:
> That looks normal. Having lines in fstab for removable media is not a
> good solution in general - insert two sticks and the second one doesn't
> have a matching line (it isn't /dev/sdb1)

Having a dos label on a memory stick allows you to mount it using the
usual LABEL='mylabel' syntax, which is independent of the device name.

sys-fs/dosfstools includes dosfslabel, which lets you put a disk label
on a vfat-formatted memory stick.

Since I stopped using consolekit (Canek talked me into it ;) I've had
to authenticate as root for several things that were transparent before,
like mounting removable drives and rebooting/powering-off the computer.

While security is always annoying, I think the new behavior is probably
better because it's non-M$ behavior and therefore safer.

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