After today's update of the world, emerge printed the following message:

* Messages for package net-misc/openssh-6.4_p1-r1:
* dev-libs/openssl was built with 'bindist' - disabling ecdsa support
* Remember to merge your config files in /etc/ssh/ and then
* reload sshd: '/etc/init.d/sshd reload'.

That was quite a surprise for me, as I never installed (open)ssh
and it is not in my world.

After the following query:

# equery depends --indirect openssh

I have got the following:

 * These packages depend on openssh:
gnome-base/gvfs-1.16.4 (net-misc/openssh)
 app-cdr/brasero-3.8.0 (gnome-base/gvfs)
  media-gfx/gthumb-3.2.4 (cdr ? >=app-cdr/brasero-3.2)
 app-editors/gedit-3.8.3 (gnome-base/gvfs)
 gnome-base/nautilus-3.8.2 (>=gnome-base/gvfs-1.14[gtk])
  app-cdr/brasero-3.8.0 (nautilus ? >=gnome-base/nautilus-2.91.90)
  app-text/evince-3.8.3 (nautilus ?
   gnome-extra/sushi-3.8.1 (>=app-text/evince-3.0[introspection])
   gnome-base/nautilus-3.8.2 (previewer ? >=gnome-extra/sushi-0.1.9)
   gnome-extra/sushi-3.8.1 (>=gnome-base/nautilus-3.1.90)
   media-gfx/gimp-2.8.6 (gnome ? gnome-base/gvfs)
   app-doc/gimp-help-2.6.1 (>=media-gfx/gimp-2.4) media-gfx/dcraw-9.10
   (gimp ? media-gfx/gimp) media-gfx/gthumb-3.2.4 (!raw ?
   media-gfx/dcraw) xfce-base/thunar-1.6.2 (dbus ?
   >=gnome-base/gvfs-1.10.1) (udev ?
   >=gnome-base/gvfs-1.10.1[udisks,udev]) (udev ?
   >=gnome-base/gvfs-1.10.1[gdu,udev]) (xfce_plugins_trash ?
   >=gnome-base/gvfs-1.10.1) xfce-base/xfdesktop-4.10.2 (thunar ?
   >=xfce-base/thunar-1.6[dbus]) xfce-base/xfce4-meta-4.10
   (>=xfce-base/xfdesktop-4.10) virtual/ssh-0 (minimal ?
   net-misc/openssh) (!minimal ? net-misc/openssh)

Inspecting my /etc/conf.d and /etc/init.d directories,
I have found sshd files in both of them.

So, my main question is as follows:

Do I really need (open)sshd and, if no, how can I properly disable
(open)sshd in my Gentoo box?

I guess that one of the ways to disable (open)sshd is to make
/etc/init.d/sshd file unexacutable, but is it a clean way to do so?

May be, it is relevant to this question that, in the future,
I am going to employ the distributed compiling feature for
this and another Gentoo box on the same local network.

The additional my question is as follows:

What I am supposed to do in response to the "merge your config files
in /etc/ssh/" message above?

Thank you.

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