On Thu, Jan 02, 2014 at 05:16:22PM +0000, james wrote:
> Well, I have not kept up on mp3/wav/<audio fil> portable players,
> so your input as to a Gentoo friendly device is welcome. A miniture
> video screen is not necessary, and keeping costs down is desired.
> Google for this said device leaves me with this scant choices:
> Sandisk has the Sansa Clip +

Years ago I bought an 8 GB Clip (without +) and was very fond of it for
its size and prize (nowadays the 4 GB versions cost as much). It was a
very nice device, most notably for its Rockbox complatibility. But even
with the stock firmware, it had support for Ogg, which is not very
common. Sadly, the display died some time ago.

Nowadays my on-the-go music consumption has decreased as a result, and I
use the phone. Though for running and other sports, the Clip was ideal
for its name-sake, the backside clip.

The problem with such players is their longevity (rather the lack
thereof). They don't use standard batteries (which I would have liked
very much) and then you can't replace the builtin easily, because the
clip is not screwed together (and it's not exactly a big market). OTOH,
But if you want a replacable battery, the only choice is cheap-looking
cheap-featured USB stick-like players. :(
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IN tHe YeAr 2000 aLl u$eRs aRe C00L.  D0 YoU W4Nt t0 Be tHe lA$t?

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