On 05/01/2014 23:50, walt wrote:
> On 01/04/2014 05:21 PM, Alan McKinnon wrote:
>> It's all very easy for us to sit back today and play monday morning
>> fullback
> :)
> I know as little about, um, Celtic football as you know about American
> football, I see.
> I know sod-all about sports from anywhere, but even I know that the
> phrase is "monday morning quarterback".
> All in the spirit of cross-cultural fellowship, of course :)

Yeah, you're right.

I live in a country where the national religion is Rugby, none of that
weeny nonsense with helmets and pads - we go in with bare hands. The guy
at the back usually built like a brick shit-house and with a good
kicking foot is never called a "quarterback"

Old naming habits die hard :-)

Alan McKinnon

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