Hi all,

Still waiting on an answer on the dovecot list, but I think there are more than a few dovecot users here too, so...

I just migrated my 9+ year old gentoo mail server to a shiny new gentoo VM. Had to do some adjustments (see below if curious), but once I worked all of that out, it went rather smoothly and is now working very well.

Something I neglected to confirm, though, and I want to deal, with this now, is I want to make sure the filesystem permissions are correct, and secure as possible.

This is a virtual hosting setup only (no system users), and dovecot is currently running in high performance mode (I'm thinking I want to change that too, so wondering if that would affect the permissions)...

/var/vmail (and everything under it) is owned by vmail:vmail.

Current permissions are:

Top-level dir:
/var/vmail  755

Virtual domain dirs:
/var/vmail/example1.com  777
/var/vmail/example2.com  777

Users home dirs (all others are the same):
/var/vmail/example1.com/user1  755

Users Maildirs (all others are the same):
/var/vmail/example1.com/user1/Maildir  700

All files inside the users Maildirs are 600, with the exception of the dovecot-uidvalidity.blahblah files, which are all 444

So... is this right? Anything need to be changed?


If anyone is interested, the adjustments I wanted/needed to make were:

1. the users Maildirs were also their home

I had to mv everything in .../example.com/user to .../example.com/user/Maildir

2. the filesystem ownership/permissions were wrong for using the
   dovecot LDA

chown -R vmail:vmail /var/vmail

3. I wanted to get rid of the old legacy courier-imap INBOX prefix, but had to figure out how to provide compatibility settings so users wouldn't see any changes in their folders in their clients when I flipped the switch and had time to make the client changes before I remove the compatibility settings, etc.

If anyone is interested I can provide the exact settings...

4. I wanted to switch my instructions for setting up new mail clients
   from using SSL/TLS on port 993 to STARTTLS on port 143.

Simple, tell dovecot to start listening on 143 and open up 143 on the firewall, and change the instructions.

Last of course I had to write up instructions for the users on how to change these settings so I can remove the compatibility settings - and of course, I'm very detail oriented, so the first instructions I sent out were overly complicated (had a few complaints from the people who don't know how to read) - so I removed all of the explanatory text and re-sent simplified instructions.

I'll keep the compatibility settings for a week or two, and won't remove them until I stop seeing connections on 993 (toward the end of the week I'll start grepping the logs and fixing the stragglers).

Anyway, once I figured out how to do the above, everything went very smoothly. Clients with the legacy INBOX prefix (Thunderbird, iPhones, Android/K9 clients, etc) all didn't notice a thing when I flipped the DNS switch.

When users change their settings to remove the INBOX prefix and change the security/port settings to STARTTLS/143, Thunderbird users have to re-accept the SSL Cert (we use self-signed certs), but iPhone clients interestingly didn't. I think my Android did, but can't remember now...

Anyway, took a lot of prep work to make the transition so seamless, but it was worth it.

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