On Sunday 05 Jan 2014 21:41:46 Alan McKinnon wrote:
> I have Gentoo on a first gen Acer Aspire One. The teeny keyboard doesn't
> have a numpad, it's simulated by using the right-hand bunch of keys and
> you engage it with Fn-F11
> It's recently started booting up with the numpad on which is annoying at
> first login as my username is not a3an0 .... The Num LED is also off at
> this stage. There used to be a way to set numlock on or off in
> baselayout/openrc but now I can't find it. "grep -r numlock /etc"
> returns nothing relevant, and /etc/init.d/numlock is to enable it with
> no function to disable it (I have this script disable in default runlevel)
> How is this done these days?
> Should I call setleds in rc.local somewhere?

It used to be part of the rc scripts.  I have this in my list, but my gentoo 
installation is rather old:

# rc-update -s -v | grep numlock
              numlock |

You could check if it is enabled on any runlevel and if yes, then 'rc-update 
delete numlock' should get rid of it.  Of course if it is not enabled then I 
would be also perplexed how we are supposed to manage it these days.

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