What I try to do in such cases (I know this is not the best solution,
but it always works quite good) is to uninstall all packages that cause
After the world update, you can reinstall those. In your case, i would
try to uninstall
  - libreoffice
  - qt*
  - all blocking packages

But this might be very risky!

Another try could be to install bunch of packages by hand. E.g. Try to
update python, if this works try to update let's say systemd, and so on.

Oh, I see your gentoo actually wants to install systemd? Did you change
to gnome3? Which profile do you use?


On 01/09/2014 01:01 PM, Tamer Higazi wrote:
> I want to update the system and then world, but still have a lots of
> blocks and don't know how to solve that.
> emerge error output:
> http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=XTKQHUjk
> On the gentoo forums nobody could help me.
> Perhaps here any ideas ?!

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