Jarry <mr.ja...@gmail.com> wrote:

I would like to use tmpfs for all the package-compilation
to spare my SSD from too many writing-cycles, but I can not
guess how much do I need. I'm rather limited with RAM,
if I use more than 512MB for /var/tmp/portage...

OMG, I was really over-optimistic! Even 2 GB tmpfs for
/var/tmp/portage was not enough to re-compile gcc-4.7.3!

In case someone is interested, I created /var/tmp/portage
as 4GB-big tmpfs, and then recompilled @system. I checked
how much /var/tmp/portage space is needed for each pachage:

gcc-4.7.3-r1: ~2.4 GB
glibc-2.17: ~490 MB
perl-5.6.13: ~250 MB
binutils-2.23.2: ~300 MB

And a few from my @world:

php-5.5.7: ~540 MB
mysql-5.1.70: ~420 MB

Packages not listed needed less than 200MB and/or were
compiled fast and not recorded by my script (it checked
/var/tmp/portage every 5 seconds).


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