On 10/02/2014 23:57, Walter Dnes wrote:
On Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 11:10:50PM +0000, Kerin Millar wrote

As mentioned in a few other posts, recent snapshots are portage:portage
throughout so it's a done deal for new installations.

   How "recent"?  Looking back into ~/Maildir/spam/cur/ I see that the
email file suffix changed from ".d531:2,S" to ".i660:2,S" on May 14th,
2013 (i.e. the current machine "i660" was installed and pulling mail as
of that date).

I do not know but I would assume that the snapshots have been constructed in this fashion since (at least) the point where usersync became a default feature, which was in portage-2.1.13.

  Those who still have it owned by root can benefit from usersync
  simply by running:

# chown -R portage:portage "$(portageq envvar PORTDIR)"

There is no subsequent requirement not to invoke emerge --sync as root.

   What's the point, if you still have to run as root (or su or sudo) for
the emerge update process?

It's the principle of least privilege. Is there any specific reason for portage to fork and exec rsync as root? Is rsync sandboxed? Should rsync have unfettered read/write access to all mounted filesystems? Can it be guaranteed that rsync hasn't been compromised? Can it be guaranteed that PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS will contain safe options at all times?

The answer to all of these questions is "no". Basically, the combination of usersync and non-root ownership of PORTDIR hardens the process in a sensible way while conferring no disadvantage.


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