On 19/02/2014 16:54, Gevisz wrote:
> I was recently told that I will have to use WordPress to do some
> translation job.
> After emerge --search wordpress, I have found that this package is
> currently masked (at least for amd64 architecture). The same says
> https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/WordPress

www-apps/wordpress is not hardmasked. It is marked ~arch, something
entirely different. The correct description for this package is
"keyworded unstable"

> Earlier, in this mailing list, I was told that I can see the reasons
> for masking a package in .../profile/package.mask file.

That file does not document unstable keywords

> However, looking into it, I have not found there the wordpress
> package at all.
> Does anybody know, why wordpress package is currently masked and how
> dangerous it is to unmask it as the wikipage above advises.

packages are keyworded unstable because they are not yet ready for
prime-time, or the maintainer hasn't gotten around to marking it stable
yet, or no-one has submitted a stabilization request to b.g.o yet

We don't know which of these apply

Just add www-apps/wordpress to package.accept_keywords and emerge it.
You will soon find out if it suits your needs and it won't eat your kittens.

> Moreover, I am interested if there are any substitutions for the
> wordpress package available in Gentoo.

No, that does not make sense. The only thing that works like wordpress
is wordpress. If you need to use wordpress then install wordpress.

There exists other blogging software of course but they are not wordpress.

> By a quick search, I have found vimpress plugin for vim.
> Does anybody know if it is a decent substitution for wordpress?

I doubt it does what you apear to think it does. vimpress is a wordpress
editing tool running in the vim editor. It connects to a wordpress blog
and let's you do the edits in vim instead of some other editing tool.
But you still need to have access to a wordpress blog for it to work
> Thank you.    

Are you certain you need to run the wordpress software locally?
Will you not instead be editing a blog hosted elsewhere?

Alan McKinnon

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