On 2014-02-19 7:53 PM, Facundo Curti <facu.cu...@gmail.com> wrote:
This is true, but gentoo is a little unstable to use on production. The
system must be on 365 days/year. ¿and when you need to update the
system? This will use all the processor and the system will be
overloaded. This means users can't use the system when this is updating...

That is such total FUD I just can't even say anything else about it without using some unsavory words.

I had an old underpowered server (only 2GB of RAM) that supported about 100 users using IMAP to access their huge maildir mailstores (some users have 20+GB of mail).

I kept the thing updated on a regular basis, and the only time it ever went down was to reboot after a kernel upgrade.

Updates to all of the other software - postfix and courier-imap (now dovecot) were always done on the live system, and interruption in service was only momentary when I restarted the services after the updates.

So please... there may be some legitimate philosophical or other reasons (PHB?) not to use gentoo, but what you said ain't one of them.

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