On 02/21/2014 08:33 PM, J. Roeleveld wrote:
> On Fri, February 21, 2014 18:33, thegeezer wrote:
>> On 02/20/2014 08:06 PM, Tanstaafl wrote:
> <snipped>
>> .. setting systemd to log to syslog to make transitions smoother (as
>> logs are lost on reboot by default)
> Eeerh, logs are lost on reboot?
until you configure journald to have persistent logs
> I only had (it died last weekend) one (yes, ONE) machine that was so
> configured and that was a netbook with only 16GB SSD.
> On all my machines I want to SEE the logs especially if it reboots
> unexpectedly.
which is why i suggest using syslogd to smooth the transition.  the last
thing anyone wants to do with a new system is learn how to find out
where the error logs are or how to access them from busybox

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