Hi All,

It has been for a while, now: every now and then, when updating a perl
module, it fails to emerge.  Checking the log, it is possible to see
something like this, when I tied to update dev-perl/File-MimeInfo :

Checking prerequisites...
    !  File::BaseDir is not installed
    !  File::DesktopEntry is not installed

Then I checked to see, and both dev-perl/File-BaseDir and
dev-perl/File-DesktopEntry are really not installed and are not requested
for the dev-perl/File-MimeInfo update.

At first I thought it was a one and only case.  But as time goes by, there
has been perl packages that refuse to emerge at first, and then, checking
the emerge log, finding missing modules and manually emerging them,
everything goes as it should.

Does anyone have a clue on where did I miss them?

Thanks and best regards

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