thanks, thats a reply I like and appreciate...
I know what you are talking about if you talk about 'these people' who haven't 
the patience and so far..
Just hope it hasn't been a fully automated message :-)
I just get off windows about 2 years ago after torturing myself with 
programming in 'this kind of environment'...
My first step to linux (on recommendation) was Debian but to me it hasn't been 
really dazzling... 
On my other machine I use Ubunto_studio for streaming- and internetstuff by the 
Now I want to split from Debian and become a Gentoo geek...
I heard already that the community should be quite helpful and slackware wasn't 
really my 'taste'... So let me thank you.
Sure you or the community will hear from me again because actually and already 
5 month I am in Asia, collecting 'bullits' in form of downloads, reading, 
studying and so far to get prepared for my return to Europe in a couple of 
Then I will start to change a lot of things and come back when I am installing 
Gentoo on one of my machines resp. Harddisks.

See ya

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