On Sat, 08 Mar 2014 08:23:21 +0100
Dan Johansson <d...@dmj.nu> wrote:

> I am considering buying a new Notebook and found that a "LENOVO
> IdeaPad Z510" would fit into my budget and seems quite OK.
> Does anyone here on the list have any experience with the Z510 running
> dual-boot (Win8.x and Gentoo) that would like to share their
> experience?

I have an Ideapad y510p that's dual-booting Win8.x and Gentoo.  It
shipped with 8.0 and after I got it dual-booting I upgraded to 8.1.
It's not quite the same model, but I guess it can't hurt to type what I
remember.  I didn't take notes, because if I ran into any trouble it
was my plan just to wipe the drive and install only Gentoo.  I just
flew by the seat of my pants, so I'm sure this isn't the smartest way
to do things.

My model came with a smallish SSD meant for caching.  The SSD is sda and
the HDD is sdb.

Here's the current state of sdb, from gdisk:

Number  Start (sector)    End (sector)  Size       Code  Name
   1            2048         2050047   1000.0 MiB  2700  Basic data partition
   2         2050048         2582527   260.0 MiB   EF00  EFI system partition
   3         2582528         4630527   1000.0 MiB  FFFF  Basic data partition
   4         4630528         4892671   128.0 MiB   0C01  Microsoft reserved part
   5      1563490304      1870690303   146.5 GiB   0700  Basic data partition
   6      1870690304      1923119103   25.0 GiB    0700  Basic data partition
   7      1923119104      1953523711   14.5 GiB    2700  Basic data partition
   8      1562466304      1563490303   500.0 MiB   0700  
   9         4892672         5199871   150.0 MiB   0700  
  10         5199872        21583871   7.8 GiB     0700  
  11        21583872      1562466303   734.8 GiB   0700 

sdb1-sdb7 existed on the drive when I got it.  sdb5 is where Windows is
installed.  To make room for Gentoo, I shrunk sdb5 it and slid it to the
end of its space using the GUI partition tool on System Rescue CD,
which I think is gparted.  I also used System Rescue CD to install
Gentoo.  It's important to boot System Rescue CD in EFI mode, at least
for installing the bootloader.

sdb8 is meant for an installation of System Rescue CD, but I haven't
gotten around to installing it.

sdb9 is /boot, sdb10 is swap, and sdb 11 is Gentoo /

I emerged grub in the chrooted environment.  I mounted sdb2
at /boot/efi, installed grub on sdb9 (/boot), and ran grub-mkconfig to
make a config file for grub. The output indicated that it had found
both Gentoo and Windows.  The bios (or whatever it's called now)
setup recognized grub as a new EFI-booting option and let me move it to
first priority, and I got to the grub menu.

grub booted Gentoo just fine, but Windows booting failed, something
about not finding partitions or files.  Instead of troubleshooting that,
I disabled os probing for grub (GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true
in /etc/default/grub) and added Windows via /etc/grub.d/40_custom ,
like so:

menuentry "Windows 8.x" {
        set root='(hd1,gpt2)'
        chainloader /EFI/microsoft/BOOT/bootmgfw.efi

Running grub-mkconfig after that got me a grub.cfg which works to boot
Gentoo and Windows, though I don't get any fancy options for Windows,
such as safe mode.

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