wraeth <wraeth <at> privatdemail.net> writes:

> > So I built this kernel twice, one with DRM * and once DRM [m]

> > Sure it can easily be related to my limited knowledge of grub2, but I did
> > boot the 3.13.6B version of the kernel.... where all is set as modules....

> The build process builds against whatever was last built in /usr/src/linux.

> That means that, even though you've booted a kernel that has DRM built as a
> module, when ati-drivers builds, it is looking at the config and objects 
> that  reside within /usr/src/linux.

> That being said, I'm pretty sure the warning you're being presented with is
> just a warning and is safe to ignore, given that you know you need to be
> running a kernel that does not have DRM built-in.

Well, I think I found the problem (?)

lspci shows:

[Radeon HD 4350/4550]    an old fanless  card in this FX8350 machine

This web pages shows only x11-org support for this card (?):

RV770 (R700)    RadeonHD 4000 series    [xorg]   
Note no "AMD" or "DRI"

equery depends ati-drivers
 * These packages depend on ati-drivers:
x11-base/xorg-drivers-1.14 (video_cards_fglrx ? x11-drivers/ati-drivers)

So I must make modification so the ati-drivers is not called by
xorg-drivers. The desktop is simple X with LXDE and openbox; so why is
ati-drivers being called by xorg-drivers? Because I have this set up in
make.conf (?):

VIDEO_CARDS="radeon fbdev fglrx vesa"

Which should be 
VIDEO_CARDS="fbdev fglrx vesa"



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