On Mon, May 12 2014, Neil Bothwick wrote:

> On Sun, 11 May 2014 20:12:54 -0400, gottl...@nyu.edu wrote:
>> > DRIVERS***.  
>> I am embarrassed to report that I missed that (perhaps nv is the nv
>> nvidia; but in any case it is loading two drivers, which is bad).
>> Thank you very much for this catch
>> > Plan A) unmerge the Nvidia binary drivers  
>> I had done that initially
> nv is not the Nvidia binary driver, it is the 2D-only open source driver
> in XOrg. I expect you have nv in VIDEO_CARDS. 

At one point perhaps but I did set to VIDEO_CARDS to just nouveau before
starting to convert.

>> > Plan B) if Plan A fails, manually remove
>> > /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/drivers/nv_drv.so  
>> This helped considerably.
> Until the next XOrg update, at which point it will be reinstalled and
> your problems will start again. Set VIDEO_CARDS correctly then do
> emerge -uavDN && emerge -ca

I have done this (more or less).  I have
EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="--ask --deep --tree --verbose --jobs --load-average=3"

I did 
emerge --changed-use --update --keep-going world
emerge --depclean --ask --ignore-default-opts

The problem remains (after a reboot).
Specifically, gdm/gnome-shell puts up the screensaver giving the time in
big characters and I can't get rid of it using the mouse or keyboard.
I also tried
/etc/init.d/gdm restart
with no improvement.


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