<meino.cramer <at> gmx.de> writes:

> I have an embedded system with internal flash memory. 
> The internal flash memory contains some static files,
> which are only be read and others, which get written
> from time to time.

Embedded systems vary wildly. If you can you need to be
as specific as possilble on which embedded system, processor
model, vendor, version etc.

> The internal flash has a FAT32-formatted filesystem
> and no real partiton (the device is directly fomratted
> as so often with this kind of lash memories.
> From time to time the software crashes while updateing
> some files (writing to them) leaving a unclean filesystem
> behind.

> Often -- after fscking the filesystem -- files named
> FSCK<number>.REC are left in the root of the filesystem.

Have you sought out help from the vendor/manufacture?

Can the embedded OS be updated and maintained?

Can you install another, better supported embedded OS
like openWRT


> Is it correct to assume, that only those files are
> affected by correcting the filesysten which were written/updated
> before or is there any chance, that other, only read files
> are also affected?

You've got to get really specific on the details of the embedded OS
and such details.....


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