Canek Peláez Valdés <> wrote:

> On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 5:26 PM,  <> wrote:
> [snip]
> >
> > Well, the workaround sort of worked -- it went through the initrd -- I
> > had debug in the kernel command line, but it did not stop for nothing!
> > When it went to the real root, however it did not activate any of the
> > lvm volumes I had except for what I specified in the kernel command
> > line, causing things not to work well.  Also, I noticed that if insisted
> > on using the predictable network names, even though I have
> > /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules and
> > /etc/udev/rules.d/80-name-slot.rules which work fine in openrc to give
> > me back my eth* names.  So all in all, it was a mess and took me to an
> > emergency shell and that was the end of that.  I did eventually activate
> > some volumes by lvchange -aay, but obviously that would not work well.
> OK, I was a little mystified about why dracut-036 worked on my system
> and 037 didn't. Before I tried any workaround, I wanted to know what
> changed from the previous version to the current one.
> So I generated an initramfs with dracut-036-r4 and another one with
> dracut-037-r1, and I tried to see what changed from one to the other.
> The answer is surprisingly easy: in /etc/cmdline.d/, the following
> files where in the 036-r4 version, but not in the 037-r4:
> 90crypt.conf
> 90lvm.conf
> 90mdraid.conf
> base.conf
> Te contents of those files are (90crypt.conf is empty):
> 90lvm.conf
> 90mdraid.conf
> base.conf
>    ro
> So I just changed my /etc/default/grub file:
> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="init=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd quiet nosplash
> I regenerated my GRUB2 config, and now again my LVM test system works
> perfectly with the latest dracut version.
> The thing is, I *ALWAYS* use the -H (host only) option, so it was my
> understanding that the command line should be automatically generated,
> and it was on 036, but now it doesn't in 037. I think that's a bug.
> John, with respect to your case: did you used "dracut --print-cmdline"
> to get the command line? Also, have you tried to use -H to generate
> your initramfs?

I did not try the -H, I may test with that later.

I did look at the --print-cmdline and copied the volumes they mentioned,
but I have other lvm volumes in my fstab and none of them were activated,
only the ones I specified in the command line!  This is where I have run
into problems.  I have quite a few lvms, I want them all activated!

Also, since I wrote the last message, I have been looking at the
journalctl output and discovered a couple of things which I would like
some help on, but getting the lvms to work is more important.

First, whatever happened to DefaultControllers -- I want to disable
those cpu hierarchies, but that option seems to have disappeared without
a trace, although you can google and see it in some documentation.

The keyword also was not accepted in an install section I have, what is
the matter with that?  I want to use my sysklogd for my syslog, how can
I use that with systemd?

Thanks so much for all your help on these things.

Your life is like a penny.  You're going to lose it.  The question is:
How do
you spend it?

         John Covici

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