On 05/20/2014 11:56 PM, yac wrote:
> On Tue, 20 May 2014 14:49:17 +0300
> Alexander Kapshuk <alexander.kaps...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Here's what I usually run when updating the world.
>> Long version: emerge --ask --update --deep --with-bdeps=y --newuse
>> @world With '--with-bdeps=y' set in the file shown below:
>> grep bdeps /etc/portage/make.conf
>> EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="--with-bdeps=y"
>> Short version: emerge -avuND @world
>> -a [--ask]
>> -v [--verbose]
>> -u [--update]
>> -N [--newuse]
>> -D [--deep]
> It's also good to use -t --unordered-display to see what pulls what and
> resolve potential issues.
> Then --keep-going so the whole thing doesn't fail just because one
> package fails.
> Then -k to use already built binary packages where applicable
> (Actually, I'm not sure why this sometimes gets activated but I see it
> from time to time)
> Why do you run the the --width-bdeps=y ?
> ---
> Jan Mate(jka        | Developer
> https://gentoo.org | Gentoo Linux
> GPG: A33E F5BC A9F6 DAFD 2021  6FB6 3EBF D45B EEB6 CA8B

After reading about the flag in the handbook, I thought I'd use it as well.


Code Listing 3.11: Updating your system with dependencies

# emerge --update --deep @world

Still, this doesn't mean all packages: some packages on your system are
needed during the compile and build process of packages, but once that
package is installed, these dependencies are no longer required. Portage
calls those build dependencies. To include those in an update cycle, add

Code Listing 3.12: Updating your entire system

# emerge --update --deep --with-bdeps=y @world

Since security updates also happen in packages you have not explicitly
installed on your system (but that are pulled in as dependencies of
other programs), it is recommended to run this command once in a while.

What would you recommend? Thanks.

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