Am 21.05.2014 23:37, schrieb Alex Schuster:
> Hi there!
> So I installed another 4 GiB RAM into a Gentoo amd64 system that had 4 GiB
> already. But it still sees only 4 GiB, not 8 GiB:
> leela ~ # uname -a
> Linux leela 3.6.11-gentoo #3 SMP Mon Feb 4 15:37:48 CET 2013 x86_64 AMD
> A6-3500 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux 
> leela ~ #
> free -m total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
> Mem:          3688       3269        419          0        108       1050
> -/+ buffers/cache:       2110       1577
> Swap:         2047         54       1993
> Huh? Any idea why this is? The BIOS shows the full 8GiB, and lshw finds
> it. dmidecode shows that 8G should work:
> leela ~ # dmidecode -t 16
> # dmidecode 2.11
> SMBIOS 2.7 present.
> Handle 0x0008, DMI type 16, 23 bytes
> Physical Memory Array
>         Location: System Board Or Motherboard
>         Use: System Memory
>         Error Correction Type: None
>         Maximum Capacity: 8 GB
>         Error Information Handle: Not Provided
>         Number Of Devices: 2
> In case this helps, I uploaded the outputs of dmesg [1], lshw -c memory
> [2] and full dmidecode output [3]. The dmesg output is somewhat weird
> though, it has several 'vmalloc: allocation failure: 0 bytes' entries. I
> suspected those were causing the problem, but I found that I needed to
> activate CONFIG_KALLSYMS=y, and they are gone. But still only 4 GiB RAM.
> The system is using an old kernel right now, so I cannot get the current
> dmesg, sorry for this.
> Probably related: Since I inserted this 2nd RAM module, wakeup
> from hibernate-ram does no longer work.
> Does this ring any bells? I'm out of ideas. Except than pulling out the 4
> GB, or trying another mainboard.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
>       Wonko
To be sure, that the new RAM isn't broken, try booting with only the new
RAM inserted in the 1st slot. If it works, insert the old RAM into the
2nd slot and see if the problem persists.

Good luck

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