Am 02.06.2014 11:20, schrieb Neil Bothwick:
> On Mon, 02 Jun 2014 10:53:51 +0200, Michael Hampicke wrote:
>>> I'm considering encrypting my home partition one of these days.  Given
>>> the things that have come out in recent months, back doors and such,
>>> what is a good program/software/tool to use that is well . . .
>>> secure? Is there such a thing now?
>> Depends on your needs, for encrypting complete devices/partitions try
>> the kernels dm-crypt/luks module. If you just want to encrypt a
>> directory try encfs, and for file encryption there's openssl and gpg
> Definitely dm-crypt/LUKS for partitions/devices, but why use encfs which
> needs FUSE, when ecryptfs does the same thing in kernel space?

True, I totally forgot about ecryptfs :-)

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