On Sun, Sep 11, 2005 at 11:59:58AM -0700, maxim wexler wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> After emerge --deep --update world I compiled and
> installed the new kernel, 2.6.12-gentoo-r10, then I
> noticed that no matter when I boot the system, date
> always starts marking time at 6:00 AM, although it
> gets the date and zone right. No matter what time
> string I give to date(as root), after a re-boot it
> alway replies with 6AM plus whatever time has elapsed
> since the original boot. FWIW rtc support is compiled
> as a module and is *not* currently loaded. Also, the
> BIOS clk is correct.
> -mw

hum, run 
  rc-status boot
is clock started?

"Fucking shit, man, this is ridiculous."
"Ben...this is what Princeton is like: 
(mimes delivering a beating with a large, blunt object.) Wham, wham, wham. 
(mimes shaking hand.) Here's your degree. Except the 'Whams' take four years."
~DeathMech, Some Student. P-town PHY 205
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