On 6/4/2014 9:47 AM, Neil Bothwick <n...@digimed.co.uk> wrote:
You seem to think the Upower devs simply decided to use systemd instead
of doing it themselves. In fact, they were always using code, from either
systemd or pm-utils. The fact that development stopped on pm-utils is
neither the fault of the Upower or systemd people. They were reduced to a
choice of one and you blame them for making the wrong choice?

Actually, I wasn't talking about upower specifically, I was talking about this whole slippery slope that is systemd - but you are right, and I absolutely apologize for my comment about 'lazy devs', and most of my other negative comments.

I still don't like the way systemd seems to be devouring everything to the point that it is apparently inevitable that it will become the default init system for all linux system.

But I also admit that this is more just personal bias against Lennart/Kay/etc and all things related to them, all coming just from the many threads I've read, and also just fear of change in general (being that I am *not* a programmer, and am *not* capable of doing anything about this myself, regardless of if I would have the time or not).

So, I will absolutely cease and desist denigrating systemd, at least until such time as I can speak from direct personal experience.

First question: is there a decent guide to installing a gentoo system from scratch using systemd as the init system?

Second question: is there a decent guide to how to switch from OpenRC to systemd?

Third question: is there a decent guide on how to switch from systemd back to OpenRC, if I encounter any serious problems on a production box?

Thanks, and again, my apologies for starting another flame-fest, and especially for basically abandoning the thread afterwards (busy week last week)...

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