On 09/07/14 01:58, João Jerónimo wrote:
> Em 08/07/2014 21:39, J. Roeleveld escreveu:
>> On 8 July 2014 18:49:19 CEST, "João Jerónimo" <joao.jeronimo...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I installed the uclibc stage3 tarball no a x86 machine (I chose uclibc
>>> because the PC has only 256 MB of RAM). I'm currently trying to install
>>> NetworkManager, but I ran into a problem, which is: NetworkManager
>>> needs 'policykit' USE flag to be applyed to consolekit package. This
>>> pulls-in policykit package as a dependency of consolekit, which in turn
>>> doesn't compile because it calls some funcions that uclibc doesn't
>>> implement.
>>> Can't I install networkmanager in uclibc systems, then?
>> Didn't check the ebuilds, but with what you described. I don't think you can
>> use NetworkManager with uclibc.
>> Apart from that. With only 256MB memory. I would be reluctant to use tools
>> with large dependencies.
> Thanks.
> But... That sucks...
> Can you tell me if there is an alternative to NetworkManager?
> Or else, can wpa_supplicant connect to networks that are not statically
> configured in config files?
> JJ
wpa_supplicant[qt4] has an interface, wpa_gui. To use it, add yourself to the
wheel group (or any relevant group of your choice) and prepend the following
lines in your /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf file:


After logging in and out you should be able to easily add and connect to any
network via wpa_gui. What you do not get to change via that interface is how
the IP address is resolved, but that should not be an issue if you are OK with
using DHCP.

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