Further reading further problem, 

I have been through the reiserfs FAQ and discovered that with 2.4 -
2.6 kernels that the file size limit I have posted below should not be
an issue ie. I should be version 3.6 and therefore file size is well
... biG

So I now need to discover where the fault lies, the error message was 
"File size limit exceededcp"
no google, dogpile or yahoo search admits to ever knowing this error
however I suppose the clue is in "-cp" ?
/me reads 
GNU docs for tar report no issue's with file sizes below 8Gb and then
only when using specific formats that  I am not so far as I am aware.

To recap the commands I am calling are
    tar -czf /tmp/fullsysbackupusr.tgz /usr
    cp /tmp/fullsysbackupusr.tgz /mnt/NEWSTU/genstubackup/fullsysbackup
The source is Gentoo box on a reiserfs partition, the file is
created but will not exceed 2Gb or 2,147,483,647. Once created [though
the file should be larger] it is dutifully transfered to the XP box
via cp.

any suggestions on this ?

Beginning to suspect I am not seeing wood for tree's but if anyone has
an axe please throw it my way.


ps. For my North American cousins, cricket is a game where 13 men
stand in a field for 5 days and hurl a small leather ball at 3 sticks
in  the ground with the aim of disturbing 2 smaller pieces of wood
from the top of the aforesaid 3 sticks :)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Stuart Howard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sep 12, 2005 9:09 PM
Subject: reiserfs file size issue
To: gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org

Hi people

This question follows on from a post I made regarding a hard drive
death and backup problems, I made a little script that tar and gzip's
each of the root directories in order. At the point of /usr which is a
very large one I get the following error
   /root/fullsysbackup.sh: line 30: 18492 File size limit exceededcp

When checking the file size I see that it is approx 2.1Gb and to be
exact = 2^31 -1

After a fair bit of checking around into possible causes of the error
[samba, cp, backup box runs XP, and finally reiserfs] I discovered
from the reiser site that it has a file size limit of ... 2^31 -1.
However this seemed strange but I accepted it. I asked a friend who is
of the beleif that reiserfs 3.5 had the limit but 3.6 does not.

Now for the silly question of the day, how do I know what version of
reiserfs I have "installed"?

OK well it is possible that I have got the wrong end of the stick at
this point and indeed the file size limit is 2.1Gb, the solution would
be to split the tgz on backup but I also have some rather large movie
type files and Iwould rather have a fs that works for me rather than
the other way around.

I dont want to turn this thread into everyones favorite "which fs for
me?" but any simplistic advice on the status of reiserfs file size
limits and such would be helpful.


ps. Comon England and up the Aussies :) we won the ashes!!!!!
pps. Its a cricket thing ^^ ;)

"There are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand
binary, those who don't"


"There are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand
binary, those who don't"


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