On Sunday, August 03, 2014 02:16:37 PM Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On 03/08/2014 09:23, Joost Roeleveld wrote:
> > On Saturday 02 August 2014 16:53:26 James wrote:
> >> Alan McKinnon <alan.mckinnon <at> gmail.com> writes:


> > Unless you are dealing with Big Data projects, like Google, Facebook,
> > Amazon, big banks,... you don't have much use for those projects.
> My wife works in BigData for real, she and Joost speak the same
> language, I don't :-)
> She reckons Big Data is like teenage sex - everyone says they are doing
> it and no-one really does ;-D

I know a few companies that actually do use it.
But, the biggest issue with the whole "Big Data" thing is that noone really 
agrees on what it actually is.

> > Mesos looks like a nice project, just like Hadoop and related are also
> > nice. But for most people, they are as usefull as using Exalytics.
> A bit OT, but it might be worthwhile for interested persons to get good
> ebuilds going for these projects. Someone will use it on Gentoo, and it
> will add value to the project. Much like gems and other
> business-oriented packages benefit

I agree, but just to implement a decent scheduler, I still think it's 

> > A scheduler should not have a large set of dependencies that you wouldn't
> > use otherwise. That makes Chronos a non-option to me.
> > 
> > Martin's project looks promising, but doesn't store the schedules
> > internally. For repeating schedules, like what Alan was describing, you
> > need to put those into scripts and start those from an existing cron.
> Sounds like a small feature-add. If Martin did his groundwork
> correctly[1] then the core logic will work and it's just a case of
> adding some persistence and loading the data back in on demand

The code looks clean and I think it shouldn't be too much work to add it.

> > Of the 2, I think improving Martin's project is the most likely option for
> > me as it doesn't have additional dependencies and seems to be easily
> > implemented.
> Don't forget Martins is the guy who does eix.
> Street cred? check
> Knows Gentoo? check
> [1] I only say it this way as I haven't evaluated his code at all yet so
> have no idea how far Martin has taken it

The code is clean and does what Martin says it does.


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