On Mon, 12 Sep 2005 18:52:35 -0700
Daevid Vincent wrote:

> BTW, someone on the mailman list said, "Yes, it has the flags, but what is
> the value of the ${MAILGID} parameter?  The error message you received says
> it's 'mailman' and
> should be 'mail'." 

My system runs postfix, not exim, but mailman is owned and run as
mailman:mailman or 280:280

> And looking at the log, he seems to be correct:
> Sep 12 12:16:19 [Mailman mail-wrapper] Group mismatch error.  Mailman
> expected the mail_wrapper script to be executed as group "mailman", but_the
> system's mail server executed the mail script as_group "mail".  Try tweaking
> the mail server to run the_script as group "mailman", or re-run configure,
> _providing the command line option `--with-mail-gid=mail'._
> But the .ebuild script sets it to gid 280, shouldn't it be 8? why is that?
> Is that the problem? How can I fix that. Re-emerging doesn't let me change
> those .ebuild values. MD5 errors and such.

I am not sure how mailman comes to be run as user:group  mailman:mailman on my 
system, but it does!

postfix runs as user postfix, not sure where user mail comes into it at

I suspect you need to tweak something in order to encourage exim to pass off to 
the mailman program as user "mailman"

Ahhh hold on the penny drops:

-rwxr-sr-x  1 mailman mailman 7880 Feb 16  2005 /usr/local/mailman/mail/mailman

The s in group permissions is set gid or something isn't it? Which means it 
gets run as group mailman even though someone else is starting it?

Then again yours has the same permissions - back to square one.
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