On Fri, 2014-08-08 at 08:23 +0200, J. Roeleveld wrote:
> I notice a few perl blockers.
> You could try the following:
> # emerge -vuD1 $(qlist -IC 'virtual/perl-*')
> # perl-cleaner --all -v -- -v
> And then retry to update world.
> I've been encountering some perl blockages myself, and this cleared it up for 
> me.

I also notice a conflict between

  media-video/ffmpeg-1.2.6-r1::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge

  media-video/libav-9.14::gentoo, installed

You may want to include which one you prefer (ffmpeg or libav) in your
call to emerge, and possibly include "--with-bdeps=y":

  `emerge -1uDNav --with-bdeps=y @world media-video/<selection>`

Note the addition of the '-1' or "--oneshot" option - you should always
use this when specifying libraries to emerge.
wraeth <wra...@wraeth.id.au>

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