
I've seen this warning generated for a couple of packages lately.

>>> Messages generated by process 3353 on 2014-07-28 08:45:18 EEST for
package x11-misc/xscreensaver-5.29:

QA: install
QA Notice: make jobserver unavailable:

    make[1]: warning: jobserver unavailable: using -j1.  Add `+' to
parent make rule.

>>> Messages generated by process 3391 on 2014-08-10 09:04:54 EEST for
package dev-libs/openssl-1.0.1i:

QA: install
QA Notice: make jobserver unavailable:

    make[2]: warning: jobserver unavailable: using -j1.  Add `+' to
parent make rule.

Is this something that requires the user to act upon, or does it
indicate a deficiency in one of the makefiles that came with the package?

If I am reading the extract below correctly, it is the latter.

'warning: jobserver unavailable: using -j1. Add `+' to parent make rule.'
    In order for |make| processes to communicate, the parent will pass
    information to the child. Since this could result in problems if the
    child process isn't actually a |make|, the parent will only do this
    if it thinks the child is a |make|. The parent uses the normal
    algorithms to determine this (see How the |MAKE| Variable Works
    If the makefile is constructed such that the parent doesn't know the
    child is a |make| process, then the child will receive only part of
    the information necessary. In this case, the child will generate
    this warning message and proceed with its build in a sequential manner. 


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