On 09/02/14 01:09, Neil Bothwick wrote:
On Mon, 1 Sep 2014 17:51:29 -0600, Joseph wrote:

>> > It definitely works here, and fdisk shows it to be a hybrid image.
>> > You are writing it to the USB device itself and not a partition on
>> > it?

You didn't answer this.

Yes, when I writ the image to USB the USB is not mounted.
USB is /dev/sda1
and I'm writing it to /dev/sda

>Yes, you MUST run sync after dd. When I tested the minimal install
>image just now, dd returned after less than two seconds. sync took a
>little longer...

Yes, I did use "sync" after "dd" makes no difference.

Have you tried this with more than one drive, to rule out hardware

Well, I don't expect USB to be a problem as SystemrescueCD can generate bootable USB on the same stick and it boots correctly; so I don't suspect hardware to be an issue.


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