On Tuesday 09 Sep 2014 03:30:37 meino.cra...@gmx.de wrote:
> Hi,
> While doing a world update hatari fails to build. This happens
> on my AMD64 PC as it happens on my ARM Beaglebone Black the same
> way...(this is from my PC):
> -- Installing:
> /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/hatari-1.6.2/image/usr/share/man/man1/hat
> ariui.1.gz * Fixing shebang in usr/share/games/hatari/hatariui/config.py.
>  * Fixing shebang in usr/share/games/hatari/hatariui/conftypes.py.
>  * The file has incompatible shebang:
>  *   file: usr/share/games/hatari/hatariui/conftypes.py
>  *   current shebang: # content generated by gentypes.py
>  *   requested impl: python2.7
>  * ERROR: games-emulation/hatari-1.6.2::gentoo failed (install phase):
>  *   python_fix_shebang: conversion of incompatible shebang requested

Can you look in the two files mentioned above to find out what the shebang 
looks like?

They ought to start with something like:


If not please file a bug.


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