>>>> No luck.  Weird.  It's working in xbmc so I can't be far off.  What
>>>> could I be missing?
>>> Sorry I've been crazy busy. I hope tomorrow I'll have some time to power
>>> up the NUC and check some settings.
>>> I'll get the USE flags and my /etc/portage/package.use if I have one,
>>> the profile I'm using and perhaps some versions of software I have
>>> installed.
>> It turns out xbmc and vlc support both vdpau and vaapi.  mplayer
>> supports vdpau and also vaapi via libvdpau-va-gl (x11 overlay).  I
>> haven't installed mplayer2 but it sounds like it supports vaapi.  Are
>> all the smart people switching from mplayer to mplayer2?  For me: xbmc
>> accelerates, vlc does not, mplayer claims it's accelerating via vdpau
>> in the console output but all I get is a black window.  Have you tried
>> vlc?
> Just got mplayer accelerating.  I needed to upgrade from
> libvdpau-va-gl-0.3.4 to libvdpau-va-gl-9999.  vlc is still a mystery.

I got vlc accelerating by upgrading from libva-intel-driver-1.3.0 to
1.3.2 and launching vlc like this:

$ vlc --avcodev-hw=vaapi

- Grant

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