> Alan McKinnon <alan.mckinnon <at> gmail.com> writes:

> You are a C man.
> Working with bash must be .... excruciatingly painful 

Ah yes, State machine design; not much fittering around with
escaping silly little symbols.....

sh/csh/bash/scripting is not bad.  I just 'lift' the tough stuff
from others mostly. With some codes, like Java, you read
and follow 90%, then there is another code to find and read.
It never ends, on and on and on....  Then instead of one choice
you have 3 or 4 choices....... Maven is a whole nutter beast.... 
Why it is becoming so important is still a wee bit confusing to me.
[1] http://maven.apache.org/

I'm just not use to that sort of world. In embedded, you
over design before you begin coding. You do not have megabytes
of lib stuff to find and read and test  the dozens of variants.

I like to code. It's debugging the stuff that drives me crazy(er?).....
These kids have no respect for us old farts. I remember when
"numerical recipies in C" [2] was the stuff. Now it's C++ or Java. [3]
I have a book on my shelf (where it belongs) on "Concurrency  State
Moels & Java" by Magee and Kramer, 1999 - Wiley. What a hoot!

I'm still looking for "Numerical recipies in Bash" ?
Ju gonna code that up?

Howz your Fortan 90? I did not even know there was such an
ugly beast [4]. I thought Fortran was outlawed decades ago.
I guess nothing ever dies. Physicists have to have a language
to themselves.

Anyway, my_python is comming along...... 
(pist, don't tell anyone, but I almost, (almost) like python).

[1] http://maven.apache.org/
[2] http://www.nrbook.com/a/bookcpdf.php
[3] http://www.nr.com/
[4] https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/GFortranStandards


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