Hello to everyone.

I've being trying plasma 5 from the kde overlay for the last two weeks. Among
other issues I've found, the worst one is the fact that I can no longer close
cleanly the plasma session. Using the log out, halt or reboot commands from the
application launcher gives me a screen with a 30 seconds timeout, a list of the
three options, logout, reboot and halt and two buttons, one to cancel and one to
exit immediately. However, whether I press the button or I wait for the timeout
to end, nothing happens. The only ways to close the session are either to issue
a reboot or halt command from a shell or kill the X server with the
Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination.

I've tried an Ubuntu plasma 5 live CD and with it quitting the session works
correctly, so it means there's something wrong either with the gentoo kde 
(unlikely) or with my system (much more likely). 

Is there anybody who has any idea about this issue?

Thanks in advance


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