On Wed, 2014-11-05 at 20:59 +0000, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Tue, 04 Nov 2014 18:01:57 -0600, Dale wrote:
> > For future reference, make sure nothing depends on whatever version of
> > python you want to remove before you remove it.  If you don't, it could
> > get very interesting in a really bad way.
> The simplest way to do that, with any package you want to remove, is to
> use
> emerge --depclean --ask -v cat/pkg
> instead of
> emerge --unmerge --ask cat/pkg
> With depclean, dependencies are checked and the package will only be
> removed if nothing depends on it. Adding the -v shows you what depends on
> it.

It should also be noted that running --depclean on a specific package
*ONLY* removes that package. After depcleaning a specific package, you
should run --depclean again to remove any dependencies of that removed

  emerge --depclean --ask -v cat/pkg
  emerge --depclean --ask

The alternative (at least for packages not in a selected set) is to

  emerge --deselect cat/pkg
  emerge --depclean --ask

This will, oddly enough, deselect the package from being wanted or
"selected", allowing it to be depcleaned, along with its own
dependencies, if no other packages depend on it.

Both methods require two commands, so mostly there's no real difference;
and in this case depcleaning python:$SLOT is probably better as it's
essentially saying you want to explicitly remove it if it's not
required; but for normal packages (or multiple packages - it's quicker)
I personally prefer deselecting then depcleaning.

Just my two small monetary amounts :)
wraeth <wra...@wraeth.id.au>

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