On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 6:04 AM, Tanstaafl <tansta...@libertytrek.org> wrote:
> eudev is looking more attractive every day... but can it continue to
> work and be supported if Lennart gets his way and upstream udev stops
> working without systemd?

Well, there are no plans to make udev stop working without systemd as
far as I can tell.  HOWEVER, there ARE plans to require using kdbus to
communicate with udev, and for that to work there needs to be a
userspace initialization of kdbus/etc.

Udev is probably just be the tip of the iceberg.  Lots of packages use
dbus, and it seems likely to me that many will start switching to
kdbus.  The fact that it is going to be a standard kernel IPC
mechanism also means that packages that have avoided dbus in the
interests of not having large dependencies may start picking it up as
well - it might be used even on embedded systems.

I have no idea how much work is involved or if anybody else is
interested in doing it.  If busybox is willing to have their mdev
module, I don't see why they wouldn't want a kdbus module to go along
with that.  However, that is speaking mostly out of ignorance, and
somebody needs to write the code.

I don't think avoiding kdbus is going to be a viable long-term
solution.  Folks who don't want to run systemd need to start planning
for this, and cross "needs dbus" off their list of reasons not to use


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