I was under the impression that the Opterons didn't have the same type
of a NorthBridge bottleneck that Intel processors experience and were
thus quite a bit more efficient in the way they integrate with RAM and
themselves!...  In fact, from reading the numbers posted on the AMD
website comparing FSB and memory bandwidth, the numbers for the
Opteron were much superior to those for Intel.  Reading what you wrote
would make me think that the numbers AMD published were some kind of a
marketing ploy??

The numbers I am referring to are in this PDF:

Dude, you really should know by now that all of the numbers coming from a vendor and some of the numbers from 'independents' are always worked out to put their product on top. [I say 'independents' in quotes because even sometimes those folks have an agenda that isn't always clear at first glance, and it also is unclear where they get their financial backing, i.e. are they in bed with Intel or AMD].

Stick with those that have community backing, namely sites like Anandtech and/or Toms Hardware. You'll get more of a straight deal from them than any others I've seen.

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