Apparently nvtv does not work with the nvidia drivers after 1.0.7174. See 'man portage' and look for package.mask to see how to limit versions.


On 9/14/2005 6:59 PM Drew Tomlinson wrote:

On 9/13/2005 2:30 PM Nick Rout wrote:

On Tue, 2005-09-13 at 07:06 -0700, Drew Tomlinson wrote:
I'm running a 2.6.11-r6 kernel on a box whose main purpose is MythTV. Everything was working fine until I did an upgrade using 'emerge -uvD world' followed with 'revdep-rebuild'. Now nvtv seg faults when I first attempt to run it. Additional attempts result in this error message:

Fatal: Cannot access video cards. Either you are not root, or the
NVidia devices are not accessible.

I get the same message when attempting to run as root.

I've tried removing and reinstalling both nvtv and nvidia-kernel but no joy. I'm new to Gentoo and Linux but do have a bit of a *nix background with FreeBSD. Any suggestions on how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.

Drew I ahve seen a few messages here from you about mythtv related
stuff. Although I have no problem at all with you posting here, you may
get better results on the mythtv-user list. You can sub from a link on
Thanks for the tip. I do post there when my issue is directly related to MythTV. I just felt this was more of a Gentoo thing as my issues started after a "emerge -uvD world".

It is a busy list, quite knowledgeable.

As for nvtv, are you actually using the nvidia driver? - do you get the
nvidia splash screen when you start X?
Yes, I am using the latest (I have ~x86 set) nvidia-kernel driver from portage as I was before upgrading. I've read that many times the nvidia-kernel driver has to be recompiled after an upgrade. I think it's just when upgrading the actual kernel but I recompiled anyway just to check. It didn't help. I also recompiled nvtv from portage but no help there either.

I also have TightVNC installed on this box and normally start a session on :1. In checking this further, it is interesting that nvtv starts fine when using :1 via the TightVNC viewer if X is not running on :0. However once X is on :0, that's when the seg faults start. Maybe I have a problem with my X config. BTW, I'm using xorg.

Oh, and yes, I do see the nvidia splash screen when starting X on :0.

Thanks for your help! Although I come from the FreeBSD world, I'm a noob when it comes to both Linux and Gentoo (and MythTV for that matter).


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