On 26-Nov-14 21:03, »Q« wrote:

during yesterday's upgrade I read the news about python 3.4 being
the new profile default.

Perhaps you've noticed by now, but the change was reverted in the

Furthermore, eselect news shows that the news entry got deleted, too:

% eselect news list
News items:
   [36]     2014-11-23  (2014-11-23-python-targets - removed?)

At least that is the state as of my last sync at 23:00 UTC+1 last

Oh, great.  I changed my settings in make.conf, eselected 3.4, rebuilt
some packages, and depcleaned 3.3.  No bugs are apparent on my machine
so far, so I guess I'll keep it like this until something explodes or
there's another news item.

I did the same. Except I could not depclean 3.3 because it is still
used by something. So now I have 2.7, 3.3 and 3.4

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