On 16 September 2005 04:31, Raphael Melo de Oliveira Bastos Sales wrote:
> Hi everyone,
>    I work with biotech and for about an 1 year I've been working on a
> web interface for genome/proteome data analysis. And I'd like to make
> it free software. But I still have doubts about legal problems I might
> face and about intellectual property.
>     Basically, I don't want to restrict people on using and
> contributing with source or whatever, but don't want anyone taking
> credit for my work or pateting it and sending me a cease-and-desist
> letter.
>    If anyone has any insight, references or links on this subject,
> please let me know.

1. Step
You make sure the stuff is your. So you stamp a copyright message all over it. 
Basically, you put a copyright notification in each and every file. Now you 
have made clear it is *your* intellectual property.

2. Step
You have to put it under an OSS license that suits you best. I guess the two 
most widely used OSS licenses are the General Public License (GPL) and the 
BSD license. There are quite some differences between them. In a nutshell: 
The GPL does not allow to include any of your stuff in a piece of software 
that is not under the GPL. In other words, Whoever wants to build software 
based on yours has to make the result OSS under GPL as well. The BSD license 
basically allows any use of your software as long as the copyright remains 
unchanged (which prevents anyone from patenting it) and the result credits 

All that said, if someone with a lot of money grabs your stuff an - say - 
patents it you still have to challenge them in court which can take 
considerable time and money. The GPL has a slight advantage in this case 
because the Free Software Foundation (FSF) will help you legally.

You should read through the available licenses even if they are a boring 
read. ;-)


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