Rich Freeman <rich0 <at>> writes:

> > is integration of the best of the CoreOS ideas into "Gentoo proper".
> I'm not suggesting that "/usr types of systems" are going away.  I'm
> just pointing out that they're not really the focus of CoreOS (hosting
> them inside containers is, but not running these kinds of applications
> in the host itself).

I do not intend to follow the CoreOS commercial path. It intend to mod
gentoo to achieve those attractive attributes back into my "gentoo proper".
tftp, pxe, dhcp, uefi and many other tools give us a path to
running the least (embedded) to the most (complex traditional server)
as an extension (compliment) to the cluster. So as was pointed out,
I'm merely "lifting" form CoreOS what they lifted from their predicessors;
no more no less. I see the gentoo admins being able to move hardrware
in and out of the cluster, dynamically and being able to run many
sorts of gentoo systems (embedded to fulls server) on a myriad of
hardware they own and control.

> You seem to be wanting a minimalist profile of Gentoo, not CoreOS.  

YES!, I want Gentoo to "CRUSH" CoreOS because we can and our goal is not
to deceptively move users to a "rent the binary" jail. OK?

> < think many of us would love to see that, and I've been an advocate of
> paring down  <at> system for just this reason.  I just wouldn't use the
> term "CoreOS" with that as this is going to lead to confusion.  CoreOS
> is a specialized distro intended to host containers, no more, no less.

OK, we see CoreOS differently. For me it was an Epiphany moment of
where I'm been trying to end up, with the aforementioned Gentoo twists.

> It isn't intended as a starting point for embedded projects or such.
> Sure, maybe you could make it work, but sooner or later CoreOS will
> make some change that will make you very unhappy because they aren't
> making it for you.

CoreOS will never be in my critical path. Large corporations will turn
computer scientist and hackers into WalMart type-employees. Conglomerates
are the enemy, imho. I fear Conglomerates much more than any group
of government idiots. ymmv.

(warning digression)
 Just look at the entire "net neutrality"
turf struggle. That sort of "corner the market" monopolistic behavior
would not be possible, if we had just maintained the "MAE" precedence
for network peering.  Obama had little choice; but, putting networks
under SS7 style telecom regulations is a deceptive and horrible idea.
Conglomerates lobby congress and get very bad ideas written into law.
All we needed is regulation to allow (force) all networks to peer with
other networks. The entire concept of "private peering" is horseshit
and it should be ended immediately. CoreOS and the "Cloud" lobbyist can
easily get regulations passed to put an end to this linux experiment, imho.
Differnt subject I know, but the tactics of conglomerates are always the
same. Roll up competition and eliminate it, oh all in the name of better
security and portecting our 1st amendment rights  and our conglomerates.
(sorry of the digression).

> But, again, I'm all for a more lightweight Gentoo profile that doesn't
> bundle stuff like openssh, or even an init implementation (since we
> have several to choose from now).

Funny, ssh is one of a few things I would put into  drastically reduce
@system. ymmv, unless you are going to add something like netconsole.c
back into the bundle.

I do not see my vision of the cluster (CoreOS insprired) to be limiting
to anyone at Gentoo. Not the embedded folks, not the mimalist, not
any init-camp, not the devs, hackers, or wannabees. And certainly
not the users. Is this a large undertaking? Certainly. Are the pieces
mostly already in existence, just scattered about and transversing time?
(methinks YES).

It all depends on how your vision works. Being older, I see a return to
massive diskless nodes being what CoreOS and the entire "Cloud Vendor"
conglomerates want. Conversely, I see those cheap microP now accompanied by
enormous amount of ram and SSD that is dirt cheap forming the building
blocks for the Gentoo cluster paradigm shift. I see Gentoo "smashing" that
"Cloud-vendor CoreOS" paradigm by provide what they offer and so much more
(full /usr systems) out of the same core codebase. I see Gentoo keeping the
rank and file computer scientists and hackers, gamefully employed.   I see
the CoreOS folks migrating computer scientists and hackers to the Walmart
model of underemployment at a few conglomerates.

Gentoo provides an excellent set of choices  and a very bright future for me
(cluster). Other can pick their own poison....

&& thanks


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