On Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 4:05 AM, Tom H <tomh0...@gmail.com> wrote:
> A pseudo-policy (pseudo since it wasn't, AFAIK, an official policy)
> was instituted whereby applications that were creating large files in
> "/tmp" should be patched to use "/var/tmp".

This has been the norm on Gentoo for ages - this is why package builds
happen in /var/tmp.  Many Gentoo users tend to mount /tmp as tmpfs.
Actually, many tend to mount /var/tmp as tmpfs as well if they can
afford the RAM - it GREATLY improves build times.  I moved to building
kernels in /var/tmp for the same reason.

About the only time I find myself overriding TMPDIR is if I'm running
sort on a large file (multi-GB).  Merge sorts tend to be heavy on disk
use, but fortunately sequential in disk access, so it makes sense to
dump them to a disk if they're large.


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