On 12/31/2014 01:46 AM, Dale wrote:
> I've tried with both libav and ffmpeg, not at the same time of course.
> I get the same failure. This is the emerge info for USE flags and
> such. [ebuild U ~] media-video/gpac-0.5.1_pre5456 [0.5.0-r1] USE="a52
> aac alsa ffmpeg ipv6 jpeg jpeg2k mad opengl png sdl ssl truetype
> vorbis xml xvid -debug -dvb -jack -oss -pulseaudio -static-libs
> -theora" It's been doing this for a while. I just been upgrading
> around it. I'm clueless. I'm getting to old to figure this crap out.
> lol Dale :-) :-) 

I installed both 0.5.0 and 0.5.1_pre5456 without a problem using the USE
given above. One last question that I have: what version of ffmpeg/libav
are you using? The function that couldn't be found -
av_close_input_file() - is just barely not deprecated on my system, so
if you're running newer than ffmpeg-1.2.6 that function might not exist.

I would upgrade my ffmpeg and test, but it'd take quite a while on my
laptop and I don't have my desktop handy. This is the last thing that I
can think of. Of course, you could always install gpac without having it
use ffmpeg.


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