On 01/16/2015 09:57 AM, pat wrote:
> Hi,
> I need help. I'm not able to start fluxbox session from lightdm. Couple days
> ago I've restarted my laptop and since then I'm Xless :-\ When I try to start
> fluxbox using startx (the startfluxbox command defined in .xinitrc in my home)
> the fluxbox starts, but using lightdm the screen blinks and returns to
> lightdm. There's an error message in the .xsession-errors:
> "/etc/lightdm/Xsession: line 74: /usr/bin/dbus-launch --exit-with-session
> /usr/bin/ssh-agent -- startfluxbox: no such file or directory"

Are the two lines above actually all one line?  (I'm assuming so.)  So, which
is the non-existent file?

Do you really have a /usr/bin/dbus-launch?  What about /usr/bin/ssh-agent?

Have you emerged updates to dbus, lightdm, or fluxbox in the last few days?

(You can see a list of updated packages with "qlop -l")

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