On Mon, 19 Jan 2015 18:03:44 +0000 (UTC) James wrote:
> Interestingly, Bircoph has solve many of the problems that seem  to be in my
> path of discovery.

If you have any questions about particular issues, we may discuss
them. Out of my memory for all setups we use nothing really special
— standard Gentoo software, some custom scripts (for sync and/or
HA) — and one really beatiful solution we wrote: clsync. In short
this is lsyncd replacement in C which is much faster and have
much more functionality (at least for our needs). Right now this
software is not in tree, but can be found in my dev overlay. New
clsync version was recently released and I plan to push it to tree
after some testing.

Best regards,
Andrew Savchenko

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