On Fri, Jan 30, 2015 at 5:01 PM, Stefan G. Weichinger <li...@xunil.at>

> On 29.01.2015 11:31, hydra wrote:
> > I haven't migrated to group_vars yet, so try and let us know ;)
> It took me a bit of fiddling but I think I figured it out.
> I had to get the directory structure correct ... now I have
> /etc/ansible/inventories/group_vars/
> with files like siteA, siteB, siteC ... containing the specific variables.
> At first I always had /etc/ansible/group_vars ... and that didn't work
> at all!
> Now I am able to have such a small playbook for the whole dhcp-config of
> one site:
> ---
> - hosts: siteA
>   user: root
>   roles:
>     - dhcpd
> and this pulls the group_vars from
> /etc/ansible/inventories/group_vars/siteA
> and applies it to the dhcpd-role
> and overrides /etc/ansible/roles/dhcpd/defaults/main.yml ... which was
> my original goal!
> nice!
> Stefan
By the way, you don't need to have it in /etc/ansible, feel free to have it

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